Hopefully some of you will read this. My fan page on Facebook got deleted by Facebook (of course) To say the least I was NOT impressed nor the least bit happy however I made a new one so be sure to like it!
A blog to help you survive parenthood with helpful hints and what to expect throughout pregnancy and so forth

Wednesday, December 28, 2011
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
Having Sex While Pregnant :)
Every normal human being loves sex (lets face it) so just because you're pregnant does not mean you should stop being intimate with your loved one. Your baby won't get poked in the eye by your husbands/boyfriends penis and your baby won't remember it when he/she is born so no worries there.
While I have found most woman find themselves fat, unattractive, and gross during pregnancy, men find it to be quite the opposite. There is nothing Scott loves more than me being pregnant. He thinks i'm the sexiest/hottest when pregnant and he never fails to tell me that on a regular basis. And while I'm not a lesbian or bi-sexual I think a pregnant woman is the most beautiful thing as well. You have to be one hell of a woman to carry a baby around for 9 months and spends hours if not days in labor so kudos to you!
Scott and I are very open with our sex life as most of you know from watching with the show so I won't hold back by saying I am much lets say needier when pregnant than I am at any other time. I've always found sex to be much more pleasureable when pregnant as well which some woman will beg to differ. I guess it depends on the woman. Some woman prefer to have sex right up until their water breaks and go into labor which I think is a little extreme but you can't hurt the baby so screw away!
From my personal experiences I have found that I don't want to do it as much during the first trimester because I'm still dealing with morning sickness, mood swings, ect. The second trimester is when it all comes back to me and it's all I want to do and during the third trimester I go back to not wanting sex so much during my eighth and ninth mood. I'm too big, and exhausted to even think about having sex. All of these feelings are completely normal.
It is safe for your partner to give you oral while pregnant. He can lick your vagina (God I feel so dirty typing this) However make sure he does NOT blow into your vagina. Blowing into your vagina can cause a air bubble which can they get into your bloodstream causing harm. So lick away boys :)
Missionary can get extremely uncomfortable while pregnant so here are some positions I looked up on the internet that can be better for you
- Straddle your partner as he lies on his back. This way, there'll be no weight on your abdomen and you can control the depth of penetration.
- Straddle your partner as he sits on a sturdy chair.
- Lie side-by-side with your partner facing your back and entering from behind. (Deep thrusts can become uncomfortable as the months pass. Penetration tends to be shallower in this position.)
- Lie on your side, tilted back somewhat with a pillow wedged under your back to support you as you face your partner. This position allows him to keep most of his weight off your belly.
- Shift your bottom to the side or foot of the bed and lie back with your knees bent and feet perched at the edge of the mattress. (After your first trimester, wedge a pillow under one side so you're not completely flat on your back.) Your partner kneels or stands in front of you.
- Support yourself on your knees and elbows. Your partner kneels and enters from behind you.
It's normal to have some cramping during or after sex/orgasm. However if it doesn't go away within a few minutes or if there's any pain or bleeding be sure to call your doctor right away.
Happy Humping Everyone! :)
Monday, December 19, 2011
Activities for Toddlers
I gave you guys the chance to give me some topics to discuss on my blog and one by one I'm slowly knocking them off my list. Mason and I have a list of fun activities that we do/have done. Enjoy!
Pudding Paint: (Edible paint)
Materials: Instant pudding, food coloring, small container for pudding, heavy duty paper, soap, and water.
Directions: Prepare pudding and tape the paper to a table. You can let the child help prepare the pudding. Then start finger painting! Talk to them about how it feels, the taste, smell, ect
Making creatures with paper:
Furry Bird: Cut out the shape of a bird and let the children glue feathers to the bird.
Sunflowers: Pre-cut yellow triangles and a brown circle. Ask each child to glue the yellow triangles around the brown circle. Then ask them to add a green streamer to the bottom of the flower.
Froot Loop Sand:
- Froot Loops cereal
- Food processor or rolling pin
- Construction paper
- Glue stick
- Make Froot Loop Sand by crushing Froot Loops cereal in a food processor or with a rolling pin.
- Rub the glue stick onto a piece of construction paper, then sprinkle the Froot Loop sand onto it.
- If your child dumps the sand onto the picture all at once, that's okay; just tip the picture onto another piece of paper and the excess will slide off.
- For variety, try using a clean, empty spice container to shake the Froot Loop sand onto the glue.
People Puppets
- Photos of family members
- Glue or tape
- Clear contact paper
- Popsicle sticks
- Use glue or tape to attach a Popsicle stick to the back of a photograph.
- Cover with clear contact paper for an instant puppet.
Toddler Bowling
- Empty plastic soda bottles or unopened paper towel rolls
- Large rubber ball
- Line up three or four (or more) empty plastic soda bottles or unopened paper towel rolls.
- Show your toddler how to roll a large rubber ball to knock them over.
Learning About the Mailbox
- Shoebox with lid
- Scissors
- Unopened junk mail
- Cut a large slit in the lid of a shoebox.
- If you like, cover the box and lid (separately) with colored paper, or decorate with paints, markers, and stickers.
- Place the lid on the box and show your toddler how to "mail" letters.
- If you don't mind her doing so, she may enjoy ripping open the letters as much as mailing them.
- Store the mail inside the box when play is over.
Texture Touch
- Materials of varying textures: sandpaper, old carpeting, fabric, cotton balls, fun fur, and so on
- Metal lids from frozen-juice cans
- Glue
- Magnets
- Cut the various materials you have gathered into a round shape that will fit the frozen-juice-can lids.
- Glue the material onto the lid.
- Younger toddlers will enjoy simply feeling the textures.
- Magnets glued to the back of the juice lids will allow your child to play with them on the refrigerator or on a cookie sheet placed on the tray of her highchair.
- For older children, make two sets and have them sort the lids by matching the materials or sorting by texture (smoothest to roughest, softest to hardest, and so on).
Here are just a few ideas to get you all started. I have found that Mason loves gluing things together. For example if I precut a christmas tree out and cut some decorations and a star to put on it, he loves to glue it to the tree even though he may not be completely correct about where the pieces go. Same with pumpkins, cats, ect.
This Christmas we also made ornaments with Mason's hand and foot prints and he thought it was so cool to see. We also did a mural with paint. You can buy kits at places such as Target, Walmart, KMart.
Happy Holidays Everyone!
Saturday, December 17, 2011
One of the most difficult times I ever had with Mason as a baby was when he was teething. He had the worse time with it and there's only so much you can do to make your little one feel better. I always knew when Mason was teething because his face would become flushed, he'd get ear infections, and he'd sleep for days if I let him.
The teething rings do work however I have a better idea that makes it so you don't have to spend money. Just wet a washcloth and put it in the freezer. I did it all the time with Mason and he loved it. Another thing I found that was pretty cool were these teething balls
They have a different texture on each little nub so the baby can choose which one to chew on. You can buy them at I believe most any Walmart and/or K-Mart and they range from probably 3-5 dollars I'd say. Cheap yet effective.
I also always used Baby Orajel. To be honest, I'm not so sure that it works the best but I always used it just in case their was the slightest chance that it did help Mason
Teething normally starts around 6 months of age. However, it can happen as soon as 3 months and as late as 12 months.
Symptoms Of Teething:
- Baby is fussier.
- May bite on fingers/toys to relieve any pain or pressure in their gums
- Drooling which can then lead to a rash on their chin, face, or chest.
Another little temporary cure for teething is using your finger (a clean finger) to rub your babies gums in his/her mouth. Mason loved this and it helped for a bit but eventually it comes back. Also be aware that if your baby already has teeth, they are indeed sharp! I have found that out the hard way.
Hope this helps for those of you who were asking!
Thursday, December 15, 2011
The Word No.
When raising Mason, I was never a huge fan of the word "No!". Not when I said it and not when Mason says it either which lately that's all that seems to be coming out of his mouth.
I don't really know why I never liked the word. Maybe it's because every other parent when you go to the mall is screaming at their child "NO, Don't touch that" "No Don't do that" No, stay here" While Mason is looking at me with the "let's get out of here, mom" look.
It's isn't like I don't say it, it's just that I start with it and explain what he is doing is wrong and tell him why he can't do that. Some people think I'm crazy and are like yeah because a two year definitely understands you but in the long wrong, it's been more effective I've found. For example, if I catch Mason jumping on my bed (which I always do) I simply get down on his level and say "Honey, we can't do that. Because you could fall and get big boo boo's and mommy would not want that for you" Mason simply walks off and goes find something else to keep him busy.
I think a child needs to understand that what he's doing is wrong and why it's wrong for it to be fully effective. You need to be on their level (don't just tower above them) and you need to have the toddler look at you when you speak to them, you need to look at them as well.
You can also redirect their attention to another task too. Simply say, that doesn't look fun, let's do this instead.
Another thing I have a strong dislike for is when parents say "That's inappropiate, or that's unacceptable. Stop and think, when you were anywhere between 2-4 were you ever going around talking about how inappropiate or unacceptable things were. Didn't think so.
It turns out that the average toddler hears the word "No" 400 times a day. A little excessive. By saying no your child can have poorer language skills then those kids who get positive influence. Another thing I've found that works is by saying yes. For example your child asks, Can I have candy? Your response, Yes but only after dinner. And then you pray to god they forget about it hahah.
But try these tips with your own child, I've found they've worked wonders for Mason and his behavior.
Friday, December 9, 2011
Making Your Own Baby Food
One thing I loved while Mason was a baby? Making baby food for him! You're going to need to buy something to blend the food with, you'll need to buy the best produce, and minimize nitrate exposure. Nitrates are a chemical found in water and soil. Babies who ingest too much of it can develop an anemia.
You need to wash, cook vegetables and fruits that need to be softened, peel & pit the produce if necessary. Strain out any extra seeds.
To prepare meat/poultry remove the skin and trim the fat before cooking.
Serving Tips:
- Serve the food no warmer than body temperature
- Only dish out the amount of food you think the baby will eat in that one sitting. Your babys saliva can cause bacteria to grow
- Don't sweeten your baby's food
- Use seasonings
- Refrigerate leftovers in an airtight container and use them up in a couple of days
I wanted to share a few of Mason's favorite baby food with you guys. Here a few for you to try:
Sauteed Broccoli Puree with Parmesan Cheese - Broccoli Baby Food Recipes
2 cups frozen organic broccoli
2 tablespoons olive oil
1 garlic clove (pressed)
2 tablespoons fresh grated Parmesan Cheese
Water (for pureeing)
2 cups frozen organic broccoli
2 tablespoons olive oil
1 garlic clove (pressed)
2 tablespoons fresh grated Parmesan Cheese
Water (for pureeing)
Turn stove top to medium high heat. Using a saute pan, coat bottom of pan with olive oil. Add garlic and saute. Add frozen broccoli and saute on medium-high heat until broccoli is nice and tender. Top with fresh grated Parmesan cheese.
Transfer sauteed broccoli and Parmesan cheese to blender. Puree. Add water gradually until desired texture is reached. By 9 months, your baby should beeating somewhat of a chunkier texture so be sure not to puree to thin as your baby is learning to chew.
Bananaberry Power Puree Blend - Super Food Baby Food Recipes
Because blueberries have amazing antioxidant power, try to incorporate them in your purees as much as you can. If your blueberries are more on the bitter side, make sure your banana is super ripe to balance things out. Combine any leftovers with Lite Whipped topping and enjoy for yourself!
1/4 cup frozen organic blueberries
1 small, ripe banana (with lots of brown spots)
1/4 cup frozen organic blueberries
1 small, ripe banana (with lots of brown spots)
Combine all ingredients in a blender. Puree until smooth. Serve immediately.
Organic Blueberry Dream - Blueberry Baby Food Recipes - Super Food Purees
Cup of Blueberries. Photo by jordanmit09. |
Blueberries are a superfood rich with antioxidants. As soon as your baby can start eatingblueberries, give them a serving of blueberries a day for amazing health benefits. To ensure your baby loves this puree, make sure the blueberries are sweet.
1 cup organic blueberries
4 tablespoons water
1/4 teaspoon pure vanilla
Put blueberries into a saucepan with water and cook until fruit starts to burst open. Puree blueberries in blender until smooth. Use a sieve to remove any fibrous material. Add baby cereal (rice, oatmeal or barley) to thicken, if desired.
Pesticide Caution: Blueberries have a high pesticide load, so always consider purchasing organic blueberries when making purees and recipes containing blueberries
I have some websites I go to too when it comes to finding recipes for baby food.
- http://wholesomebabyfood.momtastic.com/
- http://www.homemade-baby-food-recipes.com/
- http://www.simplybabyfoodrecipes.net/
- http://babies411.com/baby-food-recipe/baby-food-recipe/baby-food-recipes-4-6-months.html
If you haven't tried making your own baby food before you should definitely try. It's simple and doesn't take long to accomplish. Enjoy!
Thursday, December 8, 2011
SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome)
I read a comment on my blog post from earlier about how one of my fans had read about Lamar's son dying from SIDS and they were interested in hearing/learning more about it. Lamar's son Jayden died at 6 1/2 months old from SIDS and I had a family member who passed from it as well. As a mother it was one of my biggest fears (besides rolling over onto him while sleeping) I could never imagine going to check in on my baby to find them not breathing. If Mason was ever in a deep sleep you could barely hear him breathing and it drove me insane. I'd check him every 5-10 minutes to make sure his chest was moving and I could feel air.
There are many risk factors when it comes to SIDS. Some before the babies birth, some after.
Before Birth Risk Factors
- Lack of prenatal care
- exposure to nicotine.
- Mother under the age of 20
- Drug/alcohol use.
After Birth Risk Factors
- Low Birth Weight
- Mold
- Exposure to tobacco smoke
- Prone sleep position
There have also been studies that show baby boys are more likely to die of SIDS than females. They are most vulnerable during their second and third month of life. If you have family members who have died of SIDS, the chances that your baby will die of it are higher than if you didn't know someone who had. They also found African Americans, American Indians, and Eskimo infants are more likely to have it too.
Avoiding SIDS
- Buy a SIDS baby monitor
- Make sure your baby falls asleep on his/her back.
- Stay healthy during pregnancy.
- Don't allow smoking around your infant.
- Ensure the right bedding is in the crib
- Avoid making your infant overheat
- Make sure babys room is ventilated properly
- Also, a big one is to keep toys, blankets, stuffed animals, ect out of the babys crib.
I hope none of you ever have to experience such a terrible tragedy as this and if you already have, I am so terribly sorry for your loss. I can not even begin to imagine what it's like. God bless <3
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
Exercising and Kegels While Pregnant.
When I was pregnant with Mason I worked out constantly because I always felt fat and unattractive. Working out is safe during pregnancy as long as you don't over do it. It can also help you bounce back quicker after you give birth to the baby. It also boosts your mood, improves sleep, and reduces aches and pains.
Cardiovascular Exercises
Walking: Safe through all nine months of pregnancy and doesn't jam your knees or ankles.
Swimming: The best and safest exercise for pregnant women. Exercises both large muscles (arms and legs), provides cardiovascular benefits, and make you feel weightless.
Low-Impact Aerobics: Take a class with other expecting moms. It's fun :)
Dancing: You can do it in the comfort of your own home. Be sure to stay clear of any jumping or twisting motions. lol.
Flexibility && Strength
Yoga: Can help you maintain muscle tone and keep you flexible with little to no impact on your joints. If you choose this, be sure to choose something like walking or swimming as well to give your heart a exercise.
Stretching: Keeps your body limber and relaxed and prevents muscle train. Add stretching to a cardiovascular exercise!
Weight Training: You should reduce the amount of weights you lift if you already do this. Do slow, controlled, motions.
So many people have no idea what these even are until they become pregnant. These are the most important exercises of all and the best part is you can do them while sitting at a red light or if you're stuck in traffic, shopping, ect. No one will know you're doing them except for you. Kegels are desgined to strengthen your pelvic floor muscles which can become weakened by baby weight on your uterus during pregnancy. Your muscles can become loosened and stay that way if you don't do these exercises.
The benefits of Kegels
- Increase bladder control which can decrease during pregnancy and following childbirth.
- Prevent your bladder from leaking before, during, and after childbirth.
- Make birth easier by relaxing muscles during delivery
- Increases circulation through your pelvic region
- Increase sexual satisfaction (men love this one ladies!) Try doing a kegel during sex :)
- Prevent hemorrhoids after the baby is born
How to do Kegels
This next part I'll have to copy off the internet because I don't really know how to explain it. lol.
First, locate the muscle. It's easiest to do while you're urinating – simply try and stop the flow of urine. The muscle you use to stop urine is the same one you'll use for Kegels. However, don't do Kegel exercises while you're urinating once you've located the muscle as it can cause urinary tract infections.
Practice your Kegels by contracting and releasing the muscle every day – start with 10 sets and slowly increase as the muscle gets stronger.
Once you can do basic Kegels, increase the skill level by imagining your pelvic floor as an elevator and tightening the muscle gradually (1st floor, 2nd floor) and then releasing (2nd floor, 1st floor).
Practice completely releasing the muscle – you'll need to release this muscle during childbirth. Focus on producing wavelike contractions to make your tissues more elastic.
To remember to do your sets of Kegels each day, use cues. For example, do Kegels while you're watching TV or getting ready for bed.
Enjoy doing your kegels ladies :)
Monday, December 5, 2011
I love doing this whole mommy blog thing. I love hearing your guys's feedback and that you share your personal experiences. I was so excited when after my first blog I had 5 comments from people who were so pumped to think I'd be doing this.
Next topic;; Pacifiers.
When Mason was first born, he wasn't into pacifiers at all but I always kept one on me for emergency reasons. Plane rides, restaurants, and Mason hated being in his carseat so it helped quiet him down during that time too. However I hated using pacifiers because I couldn't see him smile, his facial expressions, and I wouldn't be able to hear his cute little voice when he cooed.
Lots of people have different things to say about when to stop using pacifiers. Some say you shouldn't use them at all, after 4 months stop, after a year. Mason is going to be 2 in a few days and he still uses it sometimes and I'm not the least bit concerned with it.
Reduces the chance of SIDS (Sudden infant death syndrome)
Soothes and comforts baby.
Sleep Aid- Can help the baby fall asleep when he/she is struggling.
Habit Forming- It can be easier to break your child off of a pacifier than it is to break them off of sucking their thumb or fingers
It can interfere with breastfeeding if the pacifier is used too early.
Can increase the risk of ear infection
Can change the babies tooth alignment or delay speech
Need help with getting your child from using a pacifier?
Offer rewards everytime the child doesn't use a pacifier.
Only use it for nap time or bed time.
Spend time with other children who do NOT use pacifiers. Children are very observant.
Make up a pacifier story.
The Pacifier Fairy story- The Pacifier fairy (treat it just like the tooth fairy) Tell him/her to put the pacifier under his/her pillow and the tooth fairy will come and take it and leave a special treat.
Pacifier Wish- Take your toddler to a wishing well/fountain and tell them that if they throw the pacifier in and make a wish, their wish will come true.
I used Nuk pacifiers with the animal faces
They were so cute and fun.
I also used Avent (same as bottles)
So, when do you think a child should stop using pacifiers or does it not matter because they'll eventually stop anyways. Love to hear your thoughts!
Sunday, December 4, 2011
Baby Bottles && Sippy Cups.
While I did breastfeed until Mason was over a year old, I also had to use bottles sometimes. I thought I'd share the kind of bottles I did use when I had to use them and you should definitely considering using them, they are amazing.
I used Avent.
They are BPA free and Mason always had great success with feeding off of them. They especially help babies who have acid reflux or colic. They have many different choices of nipple flow and the bottles come in a variety of sizes. They're easy to clean and I never had a issue with them leaking.
Obviously Mason no longer drinks from a bottle so for sippy cups I still go strong with Avent.
They also come in a variety of shapes and sizes and some also have handles on BOTH sides of the cup which is helpful when you first transition over to a sippy cup. They're all spill proof so no worries there!
I have also heard that Dr. Browns bottles are very good too. Similar to Avent but I have yet to try them out myself. Avent has me hooked and I think that's what I'll be using when need be for my next little one as well.
Getting Through The Common Cold
Since Mason has come down with what looks like the common cold I thought it'd be the perfect time to share some tips I used when Mason was younger (some I still use) to help you get through cold/flu season.
Tip 1: Use A Nasal Aspirator. Aspirators clear out the gunk and relieve stuffed noses.
Tip 2: Use Saline Drops. When the mucus is thick, saline can help. Place a few drops of pure saline solution (never medicated) in each nostril and them immediately apply suction. Especially do it before meals because it's harder for babies to nurse when their sinuses are plugged.
Tip 3: Run A Vaporizer. Steam liquefies mucus, loosening up congestion and making breathing easier. Use a cool-mist vaporizer around little ones for safety reasons.
Tip 4: Elevate The Baby's Mattress. Propping up the baby's head encourages mucus to drain naturally which can reduce congestion and coughing.
Tip 5: Offer Plenty of Fluids. Fluids keep the body functioning.
Tip 6: Take a Walk Outside. If it's not too cold take a brisk walk around the block. The air can temporarily clear your childs head and the scenary will keep them distracted from remembering that they're sick :)
Tip 7: Watch For Ear Infection. Ear infections can result from clogged sinuses so lookout for the symptoms. Such as, pulling or tugging on the ears, crying, irratibility, and the baby not sleeping as much.
Tip 8: Track Temperature. If your child has any kind of fever, track it!
Tip 9: Relieve A Cough with Honey. It's not safe to give honey to children under 12 months so please don't do it! You can soothe a older child's cough though with it.
Hope these help you this winter. Oh and wash your hands a lot, that always helps too :)
Tip 9: Relieve A Cough with Honey. It's not safe to give honey to children under 12 months so please don't do it! You can soothe a older child's cough though with it.
Hope these help you this winter. Oh and wash your hands a lot, that always helps too :)
Friday, December 2, 2011
10 Tips For The First Time Mom.
I asked on my blog what should be the first thing I post about on my new Mommy Blog and I got multiple answers which can all be answered over time but for now I'm going to share some helpful tips for the first time mom. Enjoy!
Tip 1: Sleep when your newborn sleeps! Most new moms are on a high all of their own after having a baby due to the excitement and think they can survive with very little or no sleep at all. That's not the case and I suggest you don't try it. Everything you need to get done around the house can wait until after you wake up. Sleep is crucial in the first few months of motherhood. Every chance you have... SLEEP!
Tip 2: Develop your bond with the baby. The bond you develop with your baby in the first few days, weeks, months, and even years will affect your childs psychological health later on in life. Have lots of skin to skin contact and eye contact.
Tip 3: How to Soothe Your Baby; Hold your baby on your shoulder and pat rythmically and firmly in the center of their back. While you're doing this put your mouth near his/her ear and whisper a long shhh sound. Remember not to blow directly into the ear as you could damage it, blow past the ear. Also, babies love to be swaddled. It reminds them of being in the womb.
Tip 4: Watch out for over stimulation; Every parent loves playtime especially with all of the cool new toys out there but over stimulating your child could cause them to become over tired. At that point the baby is stressed out, you're stressed out, and neither of you are getting any sleep. If this happens, go sit somewhere quiet and dark and use the pat/shh technique (listed above) Also humming and rocking works too :)
Tip 5: Plan, Plan, Plan!!! Planning for meal times, naps, bathtime, travel, ect will make motherhood a lot easier for you. Make sure you have everything ready before each task. It kills me when people go out to public with their kids and bring NOTHING with them. If you're going out in public, you need to bring it all! Diapers, wipes, pacifer, bibs, spare clothes, bottles, formula, ad ointment, breast pads, the list goes on. Be prepared, anything can happen!
Tip 6: Help your newborn learn to sleep: Put your baby down to sleep when he/she is already awake. You want your baby to learn to go to sleep on his/her own so they can develop good sleeping habits. Teaching your baby that nighttime is for sleeping is a good thing to do straight away. Do this by creating a bedtime routine such as bath, pj's, feeding time, and a quiet cuddle. Keep outside noise and stimulation to a dull minimum as it will keep the baby from sleeping longer.
Tip 7: Have Fun! Look after yourself and make sure you still have fun. It's hard to find time for yourself with a new baby around but do try to set aside a half an hour everyday so you can do something you enjoy doing. If you neglect your needs you could start to resent your baby.
Tip 8: Socialize. At first everyone comes to see you once the baby is born but person by person they slowly start to disinigrate. Get outside of the house, talk to friends, other new moms, ect. Isolation could bring on depression which isn't good for either you or the baby.
Tip 9: Learn About Your Babies Needs. Gaining knowledge about what your baby needs will help you succeed in becoming the parent you want to be.
Tip 10: Buy second hand! Most young mothers are on low incomes and still learning to manage their money. Also babies grow so fast out of clothes that it's not really worth buying new things for them just so they can wear them once.
Hope this helps you new mothers and congratulations to you on your new little addition :)
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