

Friday, December 14, 2012

Prayers for Newton.

It about killed me earlier today when I found out that another school shooting had occurred. 20 children and 6 adults lives were taken too soon today due to someone's lack of heart. The fact that someone is so sick to go into a Elementary school and kill innocent people for so far what is believed to be no apparent reason. The person responsible for this heartache also killed his mother who the guns were registered too. The gunman is also dead now.

This gunman never stopped to think about the families who were getting ready to celebrate the holidays with the ones they loved and now they'll never get the chance because of some asshole who just didn't fucking care! What if my child had been in there? It would have killed me and haunted me for an eternity to know my child had been killed by some jerk who had NO reason to be in that school. Today is my son's third birthday and instead of being able to talk about the joys he has given me over the past few years, I am writing about a devastating tragedy. 

And instead of this gunman (I believe his name is Adam) facing the consequences of his actions, he took the easy way out and committed suicide. I just can't even fathom someone doing this.

20 children walked into that school today and won't be coming out. 6 adults walked into that school today and won't be coming out.

I give my prayers, thoughts, and condolences to all of the families who lost their loved ones today. And I pray for the children who had to witness this today and are forced to remember this horrid day for the rest of their life. Their little friends who they will never see again. I give all of my love to you <3

<3 Kourtney.

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Family Day at the Beach

We brought Penelope this time for her first beach experience! I love how we look like a family of pirates, fromScott‘s ‘Lord Disick’ eye patch to Penelope’s gorgeous silk head scarf! Pirate chic!
I am wearing a Whetherly t shirt (DASH), Nightcap pants (DASH), TKees flip flops, DSquared sunglasses and Goyard bag.
Mason is wearing X&Y swim trunks.
Penelope is wearing a Liberty of London scarf and Snapping Turtle swimsuit.

Friday, October 12, 2012

Penelope is only 3 months old and the little lady already has a closet full of shoes

She most be following in her brother's footsteps...

Friday, October 5, 2012

Mister Mason

This boy is wayyy too much for me sometimes but I wouldn't trade his handsome face for the world. Love you munchkin <3

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Week by Week Pregnancy Photos.

I have found that there is nothing more important than pictures during this lifetime. While I was pregnant with Mason, I had a friend tell me about how she took a picture of herself at the start of every week while she was pregnant so someday later on she could show her son how she had developed overtime while pregnant with him. I thought it was such a great idea that I started to do it myself with Mason and then again with Penelope. After I gave birth, I stopped taking pictures of my growing stomach and starting taking weekly pictures of my growing babies. Once Mason turned two, I stopped doing it weekly and started doing it monthly and maybe this next year when he turns three, I'll do it yearly. (Haven't thought that far ahead yet!)
But it's so easy and so quick to just take a picture of your stomach at the start of every week and run over to Walmart print the pictures off and throw them into a book and write what each week was down below. It's so fun to look at later on and you can show your children as well!
Here are some ideas of how to do it that I just LOVE!

Now I had a lot more photos to add but for some reason my computer didn't like them.
But if you want other cute ideas for pregnany photos go to pinterest.com
Some people have posted some REALLY cute ideas that I wish I had tried.
Good luck and happy photo taking!

Friday, August 10, 2012

Dressing When You're Pregnant

You're thrilled to know you're expecting however you're not so thrilled about the idea of gaining a few extra pounds and not being able to fit into your old clothes. Hopefully these few tips help you :)

First thing, is to borrow and NOT buy. Maternity clothes can be sooo expensive! Especially considering you'll only be wearing them for a short few months (if even that). It's easier and cheaper to borrow from friends and family members then go on shopping sprees on a weekly basis. So BORROW BORROW BORROW!

Secondly, We all have those sweatpants, jeans, t-shirts, and sweatshirts that are way to big for us when we're not pregnant so why not wear them when you are expecting? While they may not fit forever, they'll get the job done for the time being. And while you're at it, check your hubby's closet too. More than likely, his clothes are way bigger than yours and you'll be much comfier in his tshirt than in a tight fitting dress. I used to wear Scott's clothes all the time while I was pregnant. Thank god Scott has good style :)

Another thing I have found is that it's cheaper to buy clothes that are in "plus sizes" than actual maternity style brands. So go to stores that specialize in plus sizes instead of maternity. And don't buy maternity clothes too soon or you'll find that they're too big for you at the time and too small for you later on. 

Don't be afraid to flaunt your body and show some skin. This is the most precious time of your life and there's nothing more beautiful than a pregnant woman. Feel free to show some cleavage and legs here and there. I was never afraid to flaunt my body in a bikini at 8 months pregnant. It made me feel beautiful and who cares what the haters think. This is your time to shine, do what you want!

Another issue is your feet constantly swelling. DON'T WEAR HEELS, IT'S TORTURE! Choose something like flats or shoes with wide, chunky heels. Your feet will love you for it a little more.Another hint, buy slipons. Who wants to be bending over and tying shoelaces at 9 months pregnant.

Hope these tips help dolls!
<3 Kourtney.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Meet baby Penelope!

So excited for you guys to meet Penelope! Pick up US Weekly this week to see more photos and read all the details.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

All the details on Penelope Scotland Disick.

Scott and I are so pleased to announce that our daughter Penelope Scotland Disick was brought into the world on July 8th in the wee hours of the morning. The magazines probably beat me to telling all of you anyways. But I wanted to talk about Penelope and labor and my experience personally while she is sleeping and I actually have a moment to myself.

I went with a all natural birth and I now feel like I could conquer the world. The labor was actually very easy as it was with Mason. I'm not a screamer when it comes to giving birth. I tend to relax and just breathe through it and let nature take its course. Screaming gets you nowhere, it still hurts just as bad and the baby doesn't come any quicker by doing so. 

Scott and I filmed the birth ourselves this time and we may or may not televise it as we did with Mason. It's a personal choice and for the moment we're just focused on Penelope and Mason and not letting others invade our personal moments and memories as a family. 

Penelope is a spitting image of Mason when he was born. For the time being her and I have just been relaxing at home since we returned from the hospital while Scott and Mason spend some quality time together. We're not planning on any big baby debuts quite yet.

We're working into a schedule for her which seems to be going pretty well so far. She's a big cuddler and loves to be swaddled and held. We've also learnt a trick to getting her to sleep so far;; patting her butt. Not quite sure why it works but she conks out as soon as we do it. She's just too precious and I can't get enough of her.

Mason has also been a very big help so far as a big brother. He adores his baby sister and he also can't get enough of her at the moment. He's always willing to help, always talking to her in this high pitched baby voice which about kills me.

I also saw that Kardashian Khaos at the Mirage in Las Vegas welcomed Penelope into the world too. One of our employees made some very cute signs announcing her way into the world and I just had to share.

Anywho, that is all for now.
Next time I post about little Miss Penelope, there will be pictures involved. Stay tuned!

Saturday, July 7, 2012

I'm due any second now!

In case you weren't aware, I'm due any day now and I just wanted to share some of my personal thoughts, feelings, and concerns before this baby comes and I disappear off the planet completely.

First of all, I have been waiting for weeks for her to come! Scott and I have been so thrilled since we found out it was a girl. I haven't been able to stop shopping and her name has been changed about fifteen times now. We've gone from Hadley to Blakelee to Sydney to Harper to Avery to Piper but we have now come to the final decision as to what her name is going to be but we're going to leave that as a surprise :)

While I already have Mason, I feel like having a girl is going to be a thousand times different. My friends have been telling me that girls are much easier (I don't know if that's true or not). I'm a little scared at the thought of having a girl instead of a boy. However, as soon as I hold her for the first time I know it'll all come to me naturally just like it did when I held Mason for the first time.

Nothing can describe the feeling when you hold your baby for the first time. You created this little bundle of joy and they rely on you to take care of them and it's a petrifying yet beautiful yet satisfying feeling. You feel like you're finally doing something right and something good with your life. Everyday is a new journey and a new memory and it's a fun journey at that. I can't wait to do my little girls hair and paint her toes and put her in cute dresses. 
I've been dying to have someone to play Barbie's with or even have tea parties with all of her stuffed animals and I know Scott does to even though he doesn't openly admit it. He's already promised to let her paint his nails once as any good father allows. He's going to be the best daddy ever to this little girl not like he isn't already to Mason but it's one of those things where you know she's going to have daddy wrapped around her finger just like Mason has me wrapped around his finger.

I just pray to god that this delivery goes smoothly and we are blessed with a healthy, beautiful baby girl.
I'll keep you all posted as to when she makes her arrival into the world.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Child Proofing Your Home

There's nothing worse than having to worry as to whether your child is safe in your own home with all the things you have in it. While we aren't super heroes and can't protect our children from everything we can reduce the risk of accidents in our own homes by buying some items.

First is a spout cover for the bathtub. I ALWAYS hated having to use one hand to steady mason while using the other to cover the spout to the tub while trying to wash him. It's impossible! My mom bought me a spout cover and I LOVE it. It has made life so much easier with bathtime.
Here's a really cute one from Amazon for about $13

Another common occurrence in our house is fingers always getting slammed or pinched in doors. Mason went through a slamming doors faze. Thankfully that's over now but I bought these little things that wrap around the door to prevent the door from slamming so he couldn't get hurt. While they may take away from the decor of your house, they do keep your little peanut safe <3
$4 on Amazon

The joys of buying tables are the fact that they come with those lovely sharp edges that every child either falls forward or backwards into head first. Prince Lionheart Corner Guards smooth out those sharp edges and I believe they also come in colors to blend in with the table a bit. (I may be wrong on that)
$8 on Amazon
Preventing toilet trouble is a good thing to avoid too. You can lock your toilet with this Mommy's Helper Toilet Lid-Lok.
$8 on Amazon

Avoiding electrical accidents. Most of you already know about putting those covers in your electrical outlets but in case you don't, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE put these on your outlets. I don't know what it is about outlets but they seem to draw kids to them.
$9 for three on Amazon

Have a room full of collectibles or electronics that you don't want touched? Simple solution, door knob lock!
$7 for two on Amazon

Keeping drawers shut. Mason always would get into the kitchen cabinets when he was younger. We used a buckle like thing to keep him out of them until he watched us enough to learn to do it himself. But while they're younger, they're good to use. 
$35 for four on Amazon
Keeping medications off limits. If you are on meds you definitely want to make sure they are locked up and safe. 
$19 on Amazon
Gating off Stairs. Keeping kids off stairs is a must!
$75 on Amazon

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Packing Your Hospital Bag

It's important to have your hospital bag packed weeks in advance, after all you never know what may happen. After your bag is packed, check it on a regular basis, you may remove or add items. But the big question is, what do I pack in that bag? What is necessary, what isn't? I'll tell you what I like to pack in my hospital bag and maybe some of you have other ideas as to what to pack. If so, comment below.

The Essentials;
  • Nightgown or pajamas
  • Slippers and socks
  • Bathrobe
  • Nursing bra, pads, and tops
  • Underwear
  • Sanitary pads- the hospital does provide you with these but they're not all that great so pack your favorite brand!
  • Toiletries
  • The going home outfit (for mom) Go for something loose fitting and comfortable, you'll still look pregnant for awhile after giving birth. Also, wear flats for shoes.
  • Baby clothes (obviously)
  • Diaper bag
  • Car seat- You can't leave the hospital with your newborn without one of these. Put it in the car weeks in advance.
Recommended Things To Bring;
  • Receiving Blankets
  • Video camera, camera, and extra batteries
  • Music player with favorite music
  • Snacks
  • Breastfeeding Information
Up To You Items To Bring;
  • Laptop
  • Baby book or journal
  • Cosmetics- You may want to look good for your visitors :)
My advice to you would to be to pack extra of some of these items in case you need to stay a few extra days. You never know what might happen. Not to scare anyone but be prepared for a change in plans. Good luck ladies!

Monday, May 7, 2012

Preparing Your Toddler For Baby

One of my biggest concerns when I found out I was pregnant was "How do I explain this to Mason in a way that he can understand it and accept it?" I didn't want my darling baby boy to feel left out once the baby arrived and I wanted to fully prepare him for what is about to come. Two years old by NO means understand the concept of baby no matter how you really explain it until the baby actually arrives. But below are 10 helpful tips that you can try to prepare your toddler for the arrival of your newest little addition!

  1. Plan on giving him/her plenty of quality time with daddy.
  2. Read books about babies.
  3. Stagger the timing of changes. Meaning; if you need to change your childs room or bed, do so about 4-6 weeks BEFORE the new baby's arrival.
  4. Encourage regular contact with babies for him/her.
  5. Allow him/her to still be a baby.
  6. Expect moodiness.
  7. Remind him/her that they were a baby once too.
  8. Buy a few special toys.
  9. Encourage him/her to help with the baby once he/she arrives.
  10. Show him/her the benefits of being a big sister and/or brother.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Any Blog Topics For Me?

Are there any blog topics that I haven't already discussed that you guys would like me to?
If so, comment on this blog and I'll go through them later.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Add me to your circle on Google Plus!

Hey Dolls! I just made a Google Plus account about a week/two weeks ago. Still trying to figure out how to use it but be sure to add me to your circle!

Cloth Diapers Vs. Disposable Diapers

I personally have never used cloth diapers and I don't plan on starting anytime soon. While there are some good benefits to it there are also some not so great things to cloth diapers. I personally do not have the time to keep up with the demand on cloth diapers. I always used disposable diapers with Mason and I will be with our newest addition as well but I wanted to educate everyone on the pros and cons for cloth and disposable diapers.

Pros for Cloth Diapers
  • Cheaper
  • Better for the Environment
  • Healthier for baby's bottom.
  • Lots of designs to choose from.
  • Potty train earlier
  • Healthier baby
Cons for Cloth Diapers
  • Requires too much work
  • Too smelly
  • Inconvenient

Pros for Disposable Diapers
  • Ease of use; disposables seem like the easier choice. They are an all-in-one product, with less fuss than cloth.
  • Throw-away; disposables can be thrown away once used, unlike cloth which will need to be washed.
  • Easy to travel with; disposables are the easy choice to use when traveling.
  • Leak less; disposables tend to leak less than cloth. They have a tight, snug fit and are very absorbent.
Cons for Disposable Diapers
    • More expensive; over the years you will probably spend around $1500 diapering your baby in disposables.
    • Bad for the environment; it is estimated that around 5 million tons of untreated waste is deposited into landfills via disposables every year.
    • Harder to potty-train; toddlers can’t feel wetness as much with disposables, so it’s harder for them to potty-train.
    • More diaper-rash; according to one study, 78% of babies in disposable diapers get diaper-rash, compared to only 7% of cloth diapered babies.
    • Babies health; the chemical used to make the super-absorbency of disposable diapers is Sodium polyacrylate, which has been linked to TSS (Toxic Shock Syndrome) and can cause allergic reactions.

    The decision is up to you mom!

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Baby Items!

Since I found out I was expecting a girl, I haven't been able to stop shopping! I wanted to share some of the clothes I have bought for her so far and also share the places I shop.

Here are some clothes we have boughten for our little princess so far;;

The places I like to shop for baby clothes are; Petit Tresor, Bonpoint, and Marie-Chanel.

Another big thing is a carseat. Everyone wants their baby to be safe and normally the safest carseats are HUNDREDS of dollars which indeed is annoying but I am willing to spend the highest amount to make sure nothing happens to my children.

While I did keep the crib from Mason, I wanted something different this time. This time we went with a circular crib and I absolutely LOVE it. They're available at potterbarnkids.com for about 1000. 

Enjoy shopping dolls!
I know I am!

Saturday, April 21, 2012


Nesting is a common occurrence during pregnancy. Just like a bird, dog or cat get ready to deliver so don't women. Personally I find it to be a fun part of pregnancy because for once my house is REALLY clean!

Here are some things to do while you prepare for baby's arrival;

Re-stock Your Fridge; Throw away any outdated items and shop for fresh ones. You're going to want to stock up on the key essentials for once the baby has arrived. Things such as milk, cheese, yogurt, bread, items for salads, even a roasted chicken or five is great to have around for quick fixes!

Re-stock The Pantry; The last thing you're going to have time for once the baby arrives is grocery shopping! Stock up on things such as cereal, crackers, dried fruits, canned items, ect!

Cook In Quantity; Yet again it comes down to the fact that you just don't have the time to cook or prepare meals. Make extra servings of your freezer friendly foods (lasagna, meat loaf, pancakes, banana bread, ect) Pushing a button on the microwave is about all you have time for once baby arrives and everyone stops to visit.

Laundry Time; Right now is the perfect time to wash those things that you normally forget! Things such as duvet covers, rugs, pillow shams, guest bedroom sheets, and anything else that doesn't get washed regularly. Once the baby comes you're washing machine/dryer will be on overload from trying to get all the spit up stains out so do those little things now. You'll be greatfull you did!

Clean, Clean, Clean!; Do those cleaning chores around the house that you just NEVER feel like doing. Things such as dusting the picture frames and other items, or maybe even cleaning the blinds. Don't push yourself if you're pooped and stay away from ladders. Ask someone for help if need be, afterall you're the pregnant one who needs to prepare for labor.

Outfit Your Baby; Every mom wants to make sure she has all the essential items for once the baby arrives. While you'll get most of the items you need at your baby shower (if you have one) you can also make sure you have enough onesies, booties, or sweaters for baby. You can also never have enough spit up cloths and I always seem to find that the socks disappear immediately!

Birth Announcements; Order your birth announcements now so you can just fill in the measurements later and sleep a picture into place. Also make sure you address all of the envelopes NOW so you don't have to later and then all you have to do is slip the announcement in them and ship them off to your loving family and friends.

I hope these little tips help you get ready for your newest addition to your family!

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Breastfeeding. My Own Personal Experience With It.

A lot of you have been wanting to know about breastfeeding and when to stop or how to stop, ect.

I absolutely LOVED breastfeeding Mason. It was such a great bonding experience between mother and baby. It's just so natural and beautiful and whether you aren't sure as to whether to breastfeed your baby or not, I highly suggest you try it and if it isn't for you or you don't like it, that's fine. Just try it! Guaranteed most of you will love it.

When I first got pregnant, I told myself I would try breastfeeding and see how it goes. When Mason was born, the milk started coming in and we got to nursing immediately. Most times I was nursing almost every hour throughout the day! He loved it and so did i. In the beginning it was terribly painful at times but the more I did it,  the less it started to hurt and the easier it got for both Mason and I.

I told myself that at six months, I would stop nursing him. Well six months came and I just couldn't stop. So I said at a year I'll stop. A year came and I still didn't stop. When he turned a year old though, I introduced him to Goat's Milk and and Cow's Milk (all organic) and alternated the two for him. Everyone at this point was giving me such a hard time to STOP breastfeeding him that I started to wean from all of our day feedings and just do night feedings. 

At 14 months, I tried to stop the night feedings all together. I put cold cabbage leaves in my bra due to the painful, lumpy, hard feelings in my breasts. I hated it. Neither Mason or I were done yet with nursing and I was perfectly fine with that. It wasn't like I was going to nurse him till he was 5. When he wanted to stop nursing, we would stop. Simple as that. That night he pulled at my shirt and I nursed him like we normally would. He did that for 3 more nights until one night he just stopped. He was done nursing and that meant so was I. At this point in time, my breasts didn't hurt at all.

I obviously plan on breast feeding our little girl this time around as well. For the same amount of time if not a little longer. Maybe 2 years. You'll all probably think I'm crazy but I think the child knows when it's time for them to stop and I don't plan on stopping them before that time period is up.

So for all of you asking, "When Should I Stop?" You're a mother with natural mother instincts. Do what you feel is right for you and your baby and only you can determine that.

For those of you who REALLY want to stop breastfeeding, here are some tips to wean your baby from nursing;;


• Engage the child in a distracting activity or go for an outing during times that would normally be spent breastfeeding.

• Do not sit in the spot where breastfeeding normally took place, and avoid wearing nursing garments.

• Do not attempt to wean a child during an adjustment period, such as a new day care provider, or during times of  stress or change.  A child will be more resistant to giving up the comfort experienced during breastfeeding.

• If the child is younger than 1 year of age, try to gradually introduce a bottle or cup at times that breastfeeding would typically take place.  For an older child, offering a healthy snack and a cup might make the transition easier.

• Make changes to the daily routine, this will allow a mother to focus on other activities besides the breastfeeding regimen.  

• Enlist the help of a partner, spouse or friend to provide a daily distraction and take the focus off of breastfeeding.

• If the child adopts a habit such as thumb sucking or becomes attached to a blanket or stuffed animal, do not discourage the behavior, the child may be attempting to emotionally adjust to the change of weaning.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Daddy's Little Girl!

This pregnancy with our little girl has been much harder than my first pregnancy with Mason. The morning sickness was terrible and sleep isn't even in my vocabulary anymore (not like it was to begin with anyways).

My mood goes from delightful to bitchy in approximately .5 seconds. It's amazing how quickly one tiny thing can affect me so much these days. Poor Scott, I literally just want to rip his head off most days now. I do have to give him credit though, he has learned to just stand there, smile, and say nothing and let me have my moody little fits. 

In the mean time, My friend Joyce and I have had such a BLAST decorating our babies rooms together. She's pregnant too. Most of you probably know Joyce, she's my family's and my makeup artist. We have just been shopping till we drop getting ready for our little peanut's arrivals. Both of us couldn't have gotten pregnant at a better time. Pregnancy is so much better when you have a friend who is pregnant at the exact same time as you are. We always have late night phone calls about the weirdest things. It's a wonder our men put up with us still.

Mason sort of understands that mommy is having a baby but I can still see that it's a little confusing for him. We've brought him to a few of the appointments and point out the baby and he thinks its great but I think reality will more likely set in with him once the baby is physically here.
I'm definitely looking to get pregnancy pictures done again. With Mason, I did a few completely naked and they came out sooo beautifully done.
See what I mean? If you're comfortable with your bump, you should most definitely look into having something like this done. You'll love the outcome!

Baby girl Disick (she is named, we're just not telling you yet) is quite the little gymnast. She hardly moves all day but come night time when mommy says it's time for bed, she comes alive! Throwing parties in my tummy all night long (hence the no sleeping thing) She already has daddy wrapped around her finger though. Scott constantly reads to her, talks to her, kisses and rubs my tummy. He's been amazing. It's amazing how excited she gets inside of me the second she hears daddy's voice, it was like they had a instantaneous bond from the moment she could start hearing in the womb. I love it <3

I think that's all for now dolls. Comment on this post if there's anything else you guys would like me to post about.
Hope all is well with all of you new mothers, soon to be moms, and the old time moms (don't take that personally please, you're just more experienced than the rest of us youngins :) 

Love always,

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Anyone Out There?

Does anyone really even read this or keep up with this blog anymore?

I know I haven't posted anything in a couple months but I'm just trying to decide if it's worth my time or not.