One of my biggest concerns when I found out I was pregnant was "How do I explain this to Mason in a way that he can understand it and accept it?" I didn't want my darling baby boy to feel left out once the baby arrived and I wanted to fully prepare him for what is about to come. Two years old by NO means understand the concept of baby no matter how you really explain it until the baby actually arrives. But below are 10 helpful tips that you can try to prepare your toddler for the arrival of your newest little addition!
- Plan on giving him/her plenty of quality time with daddy.
- Read books about babies.
- Stagger the timing of changes. Meaning; if you need to change your childs room or bed, do so about 4-6 weeks BEFORE the new baby's arrival.
- Encourage regular contact with babies for him/her.
- Allow him/her to still be a baby.
- Expect moodiness.
- Remind him/her that they were a baby once too.
- Buy a few special toys.
- Encourage him/her to help with the baby once he/she arrives.
- Show him/her the benefits of being a big sister and/or brother.