There's nothing worse than having to worry as to whether your child is safe in your own home with all the things you have in it. While we aren't super heroes and can't protect our children from everything we can reduce the risk of accidents in our own homes by buying some items.
First is a spout cover for the bathtub. I ALWAYS hated having to use one hand to steady mason while using the other to cover the spout to the tub while trying to wash him. It's impossible! My mom bought me a spout cover and I LOVE it. It has made life so much easier with bathtime.
Here's a really cute one from Amazon for about $13
Another common occurrence in our house is fingers always getting slammed or pinched in doors. Mason went through a slamming doors faze. Thankfully that's over now but I bought these little things that wrap around the door to prevent the door from slamming so he couldn't get hurt. While they may take away from the decor of your house, they do keep your little peanut safe <3
$4 on Amazon
The joys of buying tables are the fact that they come with those lovely sharp edges that every child either falls forward or backwards into head first. Prince Lionheart Corner Guards smooth out those sharp edges and I believe they also come in colors to blend in with the table a bit. (I may be wrong on that)
$8 on Amazon
Preventing toilet trouble is a good thing to avoid too. You can lock your toilet with this Mommy's Helper Toilet Lid-Lok.
$8 on Amazon
Avoiding electrical accidents. Most of you already know about putting those covers in your electrical outlets but in case you don't, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE put these on your outlets. I don't know what it is about outlets but they seem to draw kids to them.
$9 for three on Amazon
Have a room full of collectibles or electronics that you don't want touched? Simple solution, door knob lock!
$7 for two on Amazon
Keeping drawers shut. Mason always would get into the kitchen cabinets when he was younger. We used a buckle like thing to keep him out of them until he watched us enough to learn to do it himself. But while they're younger, they're good to use.
$35 for four on Amazon
Keeping medications off limits. If you are on meds you definitely want to make sure they are locked up and safe.
$19 on Amazon
Gating off Stairs. Keeping kids off stairs is a must!
$75 on Amazon