

Saturday, May 16, 2015

My RAD little bunny

Shedding The Weight After Welcoming Reign

I've had lots of requests to write about how I've been losing my baby weight since welcoming Reign. I've found that the hardest part after welcoming a new baby is finding the motivation to START working out again. Exercise can have such a positive influence on your life once you start. 

My first tip is to find a workout buddy, it's so much more fun to have someone with you than to go at it alone. 

My second tip is to shock your body! Switch it up and make changes in how you exercise. Whether it's swimming, running, boxing, or hiking. Do anything to get moving even if it's just for 30 minutes but do something different every time.

I have also started waist training as well. For more information on that, please read my blog post at Benefits Of Waist Training

Another way I've helped shed the pounds is by eating more frequently, believe it or not. Eating more little meals throughout the day is a great way to make sure you get a healthy balance between exercise and making sure that I eat enough. One of my favorite meals to eat throughout the day is a protein heavy salad, usually chinese chicken.

Also, breastfeeding is another great way to burn the calories! Breastfeeding can burn between 400-600 calories a day.

If you want to know more about my exercise routines please feel free to read my blogpost HERE

Thursday, April 16, 2015

My Top Ten Must Have Baby Items!

Here's a list of my top ten baby items that I wouldn't be able to live without!

1. Orbit travel systemI find this extremely easy to use and I adore the sidekick skateboard that attaches onto the side of the stroller for my older child! It has an easy attachment to turn it into a double stroller as well. There is nothing that this travel system doesn’t offer…and we travel ALOT!

2. Medela Free Style PumpThis made it possible for me to pump any and everywhere, all while texting, emailing, cooking, eating, in design meetings, answering the door for room service, getting a manicure…you name it, I was doing it with this thing on.

3. Beaba Babycook:  This device is a must if you plan to make homemade baby food. It steam cooks and blends the food all in one. They also have wonderful silicone storage containers to keep the food in and the most amazing silicone spoons perfect for babies first meal. 

4. Books:  I read to my children from the moment we came home from the hospital. Reading is a big part of our daily routine and one of my favorite times of the day. On the Night You Were Born by Nancy Tillman is my absolute favorite baby book. It is so sweet and brings me back to those perfectly innocent moments when my children were infants.

5. Earth Mama Angel Baby products: I have an obsession for these products because they are all natural, zero toxins, herbal organic baby products. My favorites are the Bottom BalmShampoo & Body Wash and Lotion.

6. Ubbi Diaper PailMade of powder coated steel so it does not absorb odors like plastic ones can.

7. Sleepyhead: This is a special pillow like bed that goes inside of your bed for safe co-sleeping. I used this with both of my children and found it essential for traveling. My kids could sleep anywhere as long as I had this pod with me.

8. Nook crib mattress and changing padI never thought I would be excited to get a crib mattress or a changing table pad. Not only do they look chic, but they have a breathability that allows babies to sleep longer and deeper

9. Lots of cozy blankets: From Barefoot Dreams to Kardashian Kids, you really cannot have enough soft and cozy blankies.

10. Prada Diaper Bag –  The best diaper bag I have ever used so far is my Prada diaper bag that my sister Kim bought for me. It’s simple, has lots of amazing compartments and is made of the perfect fabric which can be easily wiped down. It’s all about having lots of different compartments when it comes to a diaper bag!

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Breastmilk Lotion

One thing I have always done for all of my children is to make breastmilk lotion. I know it sounds creepy but it's extremely helpful against eczema, psoriasis, sunburns, and itchy dry skin. Below I've written the recipe if anyone would like to give it a try!

Breast Milk Lotion:

3 ounces of breastmilk
3 ounces of oil (grape seed oil for sensitive skin)
1 tablespoon of beeswax
A few drops of Vitamin E oil
Optional; add essential oils for therapy/scent.

Microwave the oil and beeswax slowly just until the beeswax melts, approximately 3 minutes.
Add the Vitamin E oil and slowly pour in the room temperature breastmilk while whisking rapidly until it thickens.
Pour into shallow jars or lotion tubes. It will continue to thicken as it cools. Refrigerate and use for up to 3 months. 

And that is all. Super easy and super affordable. Happy lathering up dolls!

Thursday, February 19, 2015

How Do I Do It?

Last week I was out and about running errands when a young woman came up to me and said "May I ask you a question?" My first thought was Oh, she wants a picture or autograph. So you can imagine my shock when she looked at me and instead said "How do you do it? How do you mother 3 children and still work and have a successful business?" I wanted to answer her, I really did but I didn't even know the answer to the question myself. All I could say was I just do it... Granted my answer was disappointing but since meeting that young lady, I have thought long and hard about my answer and this is what I've come down too... Balance. 

Everyday I balance 3 kids and a work load most people could not even begin to imagine. From wiping noses, to answering business calls, to feeding mouths, to attending design meetings. 

When I had Mason, I constantly had "Mommy Guilt". Ladies, you HAVE to let the Mommy Guilt go. As a mother, you are doing the best you can and as long as you know that, that's everything. Worrying about whether you should have done this instead of that won't help you when you're sitting at work in a meeting.

A desire for a career does not make you a bad mother. In fact, it's quite the opposite. You should be proud that you're showing your child that moms can be CEO's too. 

Find other moms who also work outside of the home too. The support you get from Mommy Groups can never be turned down.

Don't be afraid to ask for help. You are not super woman, needing help doesn't make you incapable or a bad mom. Everyone needs help. Ask your significant other, family, friends, ect for support and help.

And lastly; Take "Me" Time. Even if it's just taking a cooking class or getting to take a hot bubble bath for an hour. Don't forget you!

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Absolutely Love This!

I am absolutely in love with this quote from Sheryl Crow 💛💙💜💚❤️

Friday, January 16, 2015

Sunday, January 11, 2015

The Benefits Of Placenta Encapsulation

Last night I posted a picture of my placenta capsules and since then people have been asking me what the benefits are of it and secondly, why I would actually consider taking them. The benefits are amazing as crazy as it may sound. I've done it after all of my children and have had no problems with it and no regrets, In fact they help. I'll leave the final decision up to you but here are some of the benefits I have found with them:

  • Help to balance your hormones
  • Replenish depleted iron levels
  • Assist the uterus to return to its pre-pregnancy state
  • Reduce post-natal bleeding
  • Increase milk production – this has been proven in a study
  • Make for a happier, more enjoyable post-natal period
  • Increase your energy levels

Saturday, January 10, 2015


Yummy...PLACENTA pills! No joke...I will be sad when my placenta pills run out. They are life changing!

Friday, January 9, 2015

Coming Soon!

Boys, boys, boys! Kardashian Kids boys collection for your handsome little ones is coming March 2015!!

Monday, January 5, 2015

Dealing With Your Kids Allergies

I have to say that the scariest day of my life since becoming a parent was the day we discovered Mason had a peanut allergy. He was 11 months old and that evening he had tasted a little bit of peanut butter. Within minutes of tasting it, he threw it up and started to get hives on his face. I called 911 and the fire department came immediately. We ended up taking an ambulance to the emergency room which Mason was ecstatic with. He had no idea what was going on the entire time. Thank god for that.
That doesn't make your fear or anxiety go away though. You still think to yourself, What if someone doesn't know and gives it to him accidentally? What if I forget to tell them? What if he sneaks it on his own? I just wanted to share some tips and friendly reminders that Scott and I use when it comes to Mason and hopefully they can help you the way they have helped us.

1) Maintain a clutter free kitchen! It sounds silly but with certain allergies, cross contamination can be the culprit. So make sure to keep a clean, cutter free countertop!

2) Store household cleaner where you use it! If you store it out in the open on the countertop where you're more likely to see it, you will be more likely to use it after cooking or prepping.

3) Designate a safe zone at the table. Mason has the same spot at the table everyday to again avoid cross contamination.

4) Contain allergy friendly foods in one area. We keep Mason and P's snacks that they can safely eat and grab on their own in their own little cupboard. Again, it's to avoid them grabbing any peanut related items.

5) Create a medication station in your kitchen! You're more likely to keep your medications in the bathroom but if it's a food allergy you're dealing with, you want the medication where it's close by and where it's more likely to happen at. Meaning the kitchen. We have Mason's medications in a basket on top of the fridge. Safe and out of reach but still in reach for us if we need them.

6) Create a caregiver book. Prepare a three-ring binder with all your child's allergy information including allergy treatment authorization forms, pertinent allergy information, a list of all medications taken, a list with phone numbers of all health care providers, EpiPen® or Twinject® instructions, medical history, schedules, allergy friendly recipes, etc. Having this information centrally located will make it easy to find in an emergency.

7) Keep wipes in your vehicle: Keep a supply of antibacterial wipes in your vehicle so you are prepared to wipe down table surfaces where ever you go

8) Create Play Date Cards. Business size cards typed with important contact information on one side and applicable emergency instructions on the other can give you some peace of mind when allowing your child to play at the home of another.