Last week I was out and about running errands when a young woman came up to me and said "May I ask you a question?" My first thought was Oh, she wants a picture or autograph. So you can imagine my shock when she looked at me and instead said "How do you do it? How do you mother 3 children and still work and have a successful business?" I wanted to answer her, I really did but I didn't even know the answer to the question myself. All I could say was I just do it... Granted my answer was disappointing but since meeting that young lady, I have thought long and hard about my answer and this is what I've come down too... Balance.
Everyday I balance 3 kids and a work load most people could not even begin to imagine. From wiping noses, to answering business calls, to feeding mouths, to attending design meetings.
When I had Mason, I constantly had "Mommy Guilt". Ladies, you HAVE to let the Mommy Guilt go. As a mother, you are doing the best you can and as long as you know that, that's everything. Worrying about whether you should have done this instead of that won't help you when you're sitting at work in a meeting.
A desire for a career does not make you a bad mother. In fact, it's quite the opposite. You should be proud that you're showing your child that moms can be CEO's too.
Find other moms who also work outside of the home too. The support you get from Mommy Groups can never be turned down.
Don't be afraid to ask for help. You are not super woman, needing help doesn't make you incapable or a bad mom. Everyone needs help. Ask your significant other, family, friends, ect for support and help.
And lastly; Take "Me" Time. Even if it's just taking a cooking class or getting to take a hot bubble bath for an hour. Don't forget you!